Support our mission to empower residents to improve their lives as they improve their communities!

The Center for Great Neighborhoods is Covington's homegrown community development organization dedicated to helping

Support our mission to empower residents to improve their lives as they improve their communities! image

The Center for Great Neighborhoods is Covington's homegrown community development organization dedicated to helping Covington residents by supporting innovative creative placemaking, housing, economic development, and leadership development.

This past year:

  • We oversaw the rehab of a blighted property in the Westside
  • Assisted a young entrepreneur as took the leap into opening her first business, Artmarkit
  • Worked with two artists of color and local business owners to create murals in the Eastside
  • Engaged 91 Covington youth in our newest program: Covington Sparks!
  • Served as fiscal agents to 16 neighborhood associations and local groups including the Historic Linden Grove Cemetery
  • Keep Covington Beautiful co-created a Climate Advisory Group, installed a permanent E-Waste center (ReBOOT), and organized several neighborhood and city wide cleanups
  • The Covington Farmers Market engaged 17vendors which turned into $$131,176 in total sales for local farms and small business owners.

When you support the Center for Great Neighborhoods, your charitable dollars stay right here in Covington helping improve to your neighborhood and your community!

Please consider making a gift of $100, $50, or $25 today to The Center for Great Neighborhoods.